Good Luck, Bad Luck, Who Knows?
Once upon a time, there was a wise old farmer who had a vast and fertile land. One day, his only horse ran away, leaving the farmer with no means of transportation or farming. His neighbors, who relied on him for their crops, came to express their sympathy for his bad luck. But the old farmer replied, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?" A few days later, the farmer's horse returned, bringing with it a herd of wild horses. The neighbors came back to celebrate the farmer's good luck. But the farmer said, "Good luck? Bad luck? Who knows?" The farmer's son started to train the wild horses, but he fell from one of them and broke his leg. Again, the neighbors came to offer their condolences for the farmer's bad luck. And once again, the farmer replied, "Bad luck? Good luck? Who knows?" A few weeks later, a war broke out, and all the young men were drafted into the army. But the farmer's son couldn't go because of his broken leg. The neighb...